Campaign: Premium audience

Briefing summary:

Doelgroep : 25-64 sc1-2, willing to pay more for quality

Contexten :

  • Luxury shops (eg Gucci, Prada…)
  • Sterrenrestaurants
  • Golf
  • Airport business launches?
  • Other possibilities?

Period : 1 week in februari


Selection of environments which better target the audience:

Brussels airport at gates

Golf clubs

Street in municipalities having a concentration of the audience (data bases on the Wealth index from Statbel revenues 2021)

Street in the neighborough of high end shopping areas

Programmatic: Digital Street wealth index Q3 & Q4

Programmatic: Digital Street - high end shopping

Programmatic: Golf Media

Programmatic: Digital Brussels airport

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.