Metro Cluster West Line

7 days*

*Exclusive technical cost, production and taxes

37 panels/screens

  • 37


Network information

Network information

Wide reach in the West of Brussels
Near point of sales
Near one of the most important hospitals in Belgium (Erasme/Erasmus)
High School environment (Erasme/Erasmus, CERIA/COOVI)
Midi Market
Tourists or people living outside Brussels (Gare de l’Ouest/Weststation, Gare du Midi/Zuidstation)
Placed in strategic metro stations at eyecatching place
High number of contacts and repetition
Same format as outside 2m² panels

Metro Station : 37 Sides*
Bizet : 2
Delacroix : 2
Eddy Merckx : 2
Erasme/Erasmus : 9
Gare de l’Ouest/Weststation : 4
Gare du Midi/Zuidestation : 2
La Roue/Het Rad : 4
Saint-Guidon/Sint-Guido : 7
* number of sides is indicative

Budget year: 2025

Media ownerJCDecaux
Duration7 days
AvailabiltyFrom 31/12/2024 till 29/12/2025

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Metro Cluster West Line

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